This week in class we discussed parenting. This is one of my favorite topics because one of my biggest goals in life is to be a parent. I have wanted to be a mom ever since I was little, and I have put a lot of thought into the type of mom I would like to be. Today I will be discussing some of the aspects of parenting that I find most important.

Before we can talk about aspect of parenting, first we need to talk about the different types of parenting styles. There is authoritarian parenting, permissive parenting, authoritative parenting, and unevolved parenting. Authoritarian parents believe that “Children should be seen and not heard. When it comes to rules, they believe it's "their way or the highway”, and they don't take their child's feelings into consideration.” Authoritative Parents “put a lot of effort into creating and maintaining a positive relationship with their children. They explain the reasons behind rules, and they enforce rules and give consequences, but take their child's feelings into consideration.” Permissive Parents set rules but rarely enforce them, don't give out consequences very often, and think children will learn best with little interference. Uninvolved Parents don't ask your child about school or homework, rarely know where your child is or who they are with, and don't spend much time with their child. I personally think I have a authoritative outlook on parenting. Having a solid relationship with your children is important and they need to know you care but you are also the parent. Children need to respect you, but you need to take their feelings into consideration and try to find out why they are doing the things they are.
The main goal of a parent is to help our children become the best version of themselves as possible. It's not to make them a miniature version of ourselves or for us to live vicariously through them. They are their own person with their own feelings and things that make them unique. As parents we need to help our child to accomplish their goals and dreams. My parents are a great example of this. Every time I told them one of my goals in life, they always supported me 100% in accomplishing that goal and stood by me through the good, bad, and ugly of the journey in fulfilling that goal. Even when I changed my mind they were always there to listen and offer advice. They still are now even though I have moved out and I’m an “adult” they still support me in everything I do. 

As parents we need to teach our children. This never stops. When they are little, we teach them to craw and talk and as they get older, we teach them to control their emotions and how to deal with discouragement. Once their teenagers we teach them how to avoid temptations and what to do if they’re in a situation they don’t want to be in. as they become older teenagers and young adults, we teach them how to prepare for a relationship with a spouse and how to “adult.” From there we continue to be there for them when they have questions and help guide them in life. The older they get, the less they may need, but they will always need us. Even if it's just to talk.

That brings up another point. We need to listen to our children and not judge them. Like I mentioned up above, children are human just like us. They have trials and bad days just like us. As parents if were not willing to let our children have a bad day, they will start to resent us and start hiding the fact that they are struggling. This is a bad habit to get into with our children. We should want our children to come and talk with us and for us to help them find solutions to their problems. Trust me when their teenagers you’re going to wish you had that relationship with them.

Being a parent is the biggest goal we can have. It's one that will affect us for the rest of our lives and one we should hold dear to our hearts. This week take a moment and think about the type of parent you want to be and then find ways of doing it. 

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