
This week in class we talked about fatherhood and the importance of having a father in the home. My professor would like us to reference a website and talk about our favorite points from it. I will be referencing 25Facts on the Importance of Fathers.

Fathers are so important in a child’s life! I do not believe that one parent is more important than another, they need both of them for different reasons. The article states that “Adolescents living in intact families tend to report closer relationships with their fathers.” It’s much easier to have a relationship with someone who you live with. Not only that but when a father and mother are separated, the children can start taking sides based off of what they hear the other parent say about the parent who is not there. I’ve seen it so much where the mom bad talks the dad and so the children start resenting the dad. 

“Adolescents with more involved fathers tend to exhibit lower levels of behavioral problems.” Fathers can show young children and teenagers how to properly control their anger, and appropriate ways to release it. It’s not good to bottle your anger up and if you do it can lead to serious problems. It’s getting better, but people have a tendency to tell young boys that it’s not good to show emotion, which makes them act out in different ways that people think are “better.” They can’t cry so instead they punch the wall, or get into fights at school which are not good. Having a male in the house can show them it’s ok to cry, and if you are frustrated how to deal with that emotion without getting violent. 

Individuals whose fathers showed more involvement in their lives early on tend to attain higher levels of education.” It’s normal for teenagers to not want to get an education outside of high school. Parents can encourage them, but it’s always better to have two parents saying the same thing and being encouraging. Also it’s important for children to see a mother and a father that both have degrees and how that has impacted their life and made it so that they can financially support the family. 

Among adolescent girls, those who have a strong relationship with their fathers are less likely to report experiencing depression.” The relationship a young girl has with her father is like nothing else! He is the first person that she looks to show her how men should treat her. He should be her hero and the biggest support she has in her life. He should support her in her goals and dreams and be cheering her on all her life. 


“Intact families are more likely to provide a safe home for children.” Not all the time but a lot of the time when parents are separated, the home it’s not a very safe place for the children. The parents tend to fight there a lot, which can lead to violence and overall just not be a place that children want to be. When children don’t want to be at home they leave and get into trouble outside the home. They can get into things that they are not supposed to and things that they are not ready to. When children are away from home for long periods of time is when they get into drugs and alcohol and become sexually active at an earlier your age. Children may not think they need it, but they need supervision and they need guidance and direction and their life. 

Fathers are essential in a child’s life they can provide support, knowledge and  be an example to children. I am so grateful I have a relationship I do with my dad and know I am better because it. 








1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your blog on Fatherhood. I agree with you that both parents are important in a child's life. The father has a good role to protect his child and teach proper behavior. Thank you.


Final Thoughts  Well, this is it. The final blog post of the semester. Where has the time gone? It has flown by so fast and it's crazy t...